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Release-Note - 1.0.8
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Release-Note - 1.0.8

    New Features

  • Added Christmas Event.
  • Added Okay Card Event.
  • You can get the Okay Collectable Card from monsters of the next level (15 level limit).
  • When you gather 30 Okay Collectable Card will automatically transform in a Okey Card Set.
  • The Okey Card Mini-Game includes all the instructions you need before starting. Pay close attention to how to play efficiently, as the final points will make a difference.
  • Based on your points you will receive:
    • 290 Points or less: Bronze Okey Chest
    • 291-399 Points: Silver Okey Chest
    • 400 Points or higher: Gold Okey Chest
  • You can sell with Mobile Sell Bag items from special inventory!
  • Added a system which will prevent level 25-30 items from being destroyed while upgraded at the Blacksmith up to +4. These include the level 30 weapons (Full Moon Sword, Red Iron Blade, etc.).
  • Added one more fishing zone in the yellow kingdom.
  • Added a few more mobs in Bakra and Bokjung.
  • Added Advent Calendar.
  • Added an option at Old woman to reset one skill of your choice or all your skills in exchage of some Yang.


  • Now Weeding Ring can't be sold, dropped, put in the safebox, tradableor added in Offline Shop. This was done so that you could not lose the ring by mistake.
  • Change price for Paste and Worm, now will worth 3.000 yang
  • Made the chance of upgrading the level 30 weapons to +1 to 100%.
  • Increased the yang required to upgrade the level 30 weapons until to +4 because they won't be destroyed anymore when upgrading at the Blacksmith
  • Removed the cooldown from going on and off your horse.
  • More mobs will spawn from the level 35 metin stones.
  • Added wiki guides for:
    • Special Drop Events
    • Rates Events
    • Buff Events
    • Double Drop Events
    • Minigame Events
  • Lowered the amount of orcs spawned from Metin of Ork by 25%.


  • Fixed an issue at the Offline Shop Item. It didn't let you add more than 30 items even if you had extra slots unlocked.
  • Fixed an issue for Focus Reading, now all books readed with this item active, will have 100% chance to read with success a book.
  • Fixed the Flame of the Dragon issue, now you will be able to change bonuses on Mythical Dragon Stone Alchemy!
  • Fixed that Fishing Rods points were not increased when you were fishing.
  • Fixed the Blacksmith functionality from Demon Tower. Blacksmith will not require any item, but if it fails will downgrade the item by 2.
  • Fixed the issue when you try to spawn a Salvation Stone near a structure, tree, water and the Salvation Stone not appear.
  • Fixed other small issues, corected some translations and added some missing translations.


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